Nutmegger PR
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Nutmegger PR is all about creating custom-built projects to meet your needs. We meet with you to discuss your needs and help you to take the big steps and make the changes that your company needs to become a more dynamic, agile and efficient SME in an ever-changing business landscape. With an international background and a broad range of clients from many industries, Nutmegger PR is the perfect partner to help you achieve your business goals.
Contact details
Mäkiranta 4 A 5
96400 Rovaniemi
Rob Patterson
Municipal services
- Yrityspalveluseteli
Pricelist: Lapin Hyvinvointialue
Asiantuntijapalvelut | Yrityspalveluseteli 4000€ | Yrityspalveluseteli 2000€ |
Kansainvälistymisen suunnittelu ja markkinaselvitykset | x | x |
Kansainvälistymiseen liittyvät messuosallistumiset | ||
Kasvuun liittyvät rahoitus- ja investointisuunnitelmat sekä hakemukset | ||
Taloushallinnon kehittämisen palvelut | ||
Kasvuun liittyvä laki- ja sopimusneuvonta | ||
Kasvuun tähtäävät neuvonanto ja selvityspalvelut yrityksien hallituksille ja johtoryhmille | ||
Yrityksien strategia ja johtaminen | x | x |
Tuotekehitys, tuotteistaminen ja palvelumuotoilu | x | x |
Yrityksen digitalisaation kehittäminen | x | x |
Myynnin ja markkinoinnin kehittämiseen littyvät palvelut | x | x |
Omistajanvaihdokseeen liittyvät arvonmääritykset, laki- ja sopimusneuvonta | ||
Omavastuu 20 % | 1 000 € | 500 € |
2500€ package – Sales and Marketing 3-day package (12 hours of workshops, approx 10-15 hours of research and planning). Package can be tailored to meet the desires of the customer to include the following topics: • Marketing strategy and planning • Digital marketing optimization (Search engine optimization and search engine marketing) and/or social media marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok) • Branding and tone of voice, to include both visual appearance and content analysis • Content calendar creation and planning; including a 3-month, detailed plan & schedule • Strategic sales and client development plan • Pricing and marketing placement analysis • Competitor bench-marking and analysis • Localization and international viability analysis • New product development and promotion • Corporate social responsibility analysis and strategy development
5000€ package – Sales and Marketing 6-day package (20-22 hours of workshops, approx. 20-25 hours of research and planning). Package can be tailored to meet the desires of the customer to include the topics listed in the 2500€ package, as well as the following topics: • Content calendar creation and planning; including a 6-month, detailed plan and schedule • Content creation workshop • Email marketing and lead nurturing strategies • Business strategy and management optimization, to include: risk management, multicultural and multinational team management, internal communications and/or corporate communications • Website design • Optimization of available tools and resources, to potentially include: Google Business, Google Analytics, Meta Business, free/affordable marketing tools and/or free/affordable visual resources Note that additional topics can be covered, per customer request and mutual agreement.